
A game where you kill a lot of squares for no reason at all and get funny looking currencies.
Grow from a man that can only kill squares to a man that can only kill squares and a box that isn't even real yet.

Coin Fields

An idle game. You start with enough coins to buy a magical box that generates coins for you out of thin air,
then start buying boxes that let you travel to other planets (not implemented yet).

EE Simplfied

Everybody Edits is a platformer game. Sounds too complicated. Let's simplify it by turning it into an idle game
made by a developer that doesn't even know how to make shop items.


Work on it literally started a few minutes ago (or a few hours idk im not gonna edit this for quite a bit (now its like a year)).
I don't know what I'm going to put here.

Elemental Evolution

A periodic table element based incremental game with a name made by AI. Start by breaking the law of conservation of mass
by creating hydrogen atoms and turning them into all of the 117 other elements. Realistic indeed.


Smaller games that don't receive many updates, have no progress saving (except for highscores) and prove that
one hour of work makes better games than multiple years of work.